Exterior view of Co-op Wellness Commons with MHC crest

News & Events

MHC opens doors for prospective students

Medicine Hat College (MHC) is opening its doors and showcasing what it’s like to be a college student at its annual Open House events this November.

Attendees are welcome to drop-in to the Brooks campus on Nov. 6 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. and the Medicine Hat campus on Nov. 13 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. to explore the programs available at each campus, connect with the college community, and submit their application free of charge. 

Local high school students will be bussed into the Medicine Hat campus between 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., however the event will be public for all students and community for the duration of the event. 

Admissions and recruitment coordinator, Kendra Kobley, says attending Open House is an important step for those making decisions about their futures.  

“Some students may feel they aren’t meant for college, or ready for college, but they don’t really know if they haven’t tried. We encourage anyone contemplating post-secondary to come to MHC, experience the atmosphere, talk to faculty, and see how they feel about making a decision.” 

Instructors and current students will be in attendance to help give students a tour of the campus, classrooms, and labs, and provide detailed information about what they can expect from their program of choice. 

“The more exposure you can get to programs, careers, and schools, and the more people you can talk to about what they do for a living and how they got there, the better chance you have of making an informed decision,” adds Kobley.

Those interested in continuing their education can also meet representatives from MHC’s Extended Learning department, which offers short, experiential non-credit programming for those looking to develop their professional skills including agricultural business, workplace technology, and social media.

Prospective students are encouraged to visit the event at the campus they plan to attend. Those who apply at Open House will also be entered to win a $1000 credit toward their first semester’s tuition, in addition to submitting an application for free.

To learn more about Open House, visit www.mhc.ab.ca/OpenHouse.