Student sitting on bench outside Brooks Campus

Brooks Campus


MHC Brooks Campus is situated in Brooks, Alberta, a community of about 14,000 people in Southeastern Alberta, 100 km west of Medicine Hat. The campus has almost 300 full and part-time students each semester, enrolled in courses ranging from adult basic education and ESL training to the two-year Practical Nurse Diploma Program.

  • In-person learning brings people together at the same physical place and time. Your experience may include face-to-face lectures, labs, online resources, community engagement, and more.
  • Online learning makes it possible for you access classes without the need to visit campus. Your experience may include live and/or recorded teaching and learning activities, digital learning, digital labs, group work, and more. You will be engaged in online discussion forums, collaborative projects, and other online instructional techniques.
  • Flexible learning provides options to fit your preferred form of participation. Classes are delivered in a way that allows you to take advantage of in-person and/or online learning and delivery methods, but they’re also typically recorded to be available when you are.  
Program In Person / Onsite Online Flexible Learning
ProgramAcademic Upgrading (via Sunrise Collegiate) In Person / Onsite Online  Flexible Learning 
ProgramAdministrative Office Professional In Person / Onsite
Online Flexible Learning 
ProgramBuilt Environment Engineering Technology In Person / Onsite  Online Flexible Learning
ProgramHealth Care Aide In Person / Onsite Online  Flexible Learning 
ProgramLanguage Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC)  In Person / Onsite Online  Flexible Learning 
ProgramPathways - Adult Learning Foundations In Person / Onsite Online  Flexible Learning 
ProgramPractical Nurse In Person / Onsite Online  Flexible Learning 
ProgramSport & Event Marketing and Management In Person / Onsite  Online Flexible Learning
ProgramSustainable Innovation In Person / Onsite  Online Flexible Learning

Service Online In-Person/Onsite
ServiceAdvising Online In-Person/Onsite
ServiceAccessibility/Tutoring Online In-Person/Onsite
ServiceAcademic Coaching Online In-Person/Onsite 
ServiceEarly Alert  Online In-Person/Onsite 
ServiceLibrary Online  In-Person/Onsite
ServiceWriting Support Online In-Person/Onsite
ServiceInternational Student Online In-Person/Onsite
ServiceBookstore Online  In-Person/Onsite
ServiceCounselling & Care Online In-Person/Onsite
ServiceExam Centre Online  In-Person/Onsite
ServiceFitness Centre Online  In-Person/Onsite
ServiceStudents' Association Online  In-Person/Onsite
ServiceTechnology & Support Online In-Person/Onsite
ServiceIndigenous Support Online In-Person/Onsite
ServiceHuman Rights Support Online In-Person/Onsite
ServiceResidence Online  In-Person/Onsite
ServiceFood Services Online  In-Person/Onsite
ServiceOutdoor Spaces Online  In-Person/Onsite

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Practical Nursing students pose for a picture at the Brooks Campus
ESL LINC Student Reading a Book and Smiling in Brooks Campus Library
Health Care Aide Students in practice during class at Brooks Campus
Brooks Campus Practical Nursing student test a patient during a lab session
Practical Nursing Students at Brooks Campus learning to wrap a tensor bandage during lab