2025 Rattler Run
The Rattler Run goes on Saturday, April 26 at 10:30 a.m. at MHC!
Join us for the 46th Annual Rattler Run and run, walk, or push (i.e. wheelchairs and strollers) around a scenic 3km, 5km, or 10km course starting and finishing on Medicine Hat College's main campus. Individuals of all ages and abilities are encouraged to get in on the fun!
2025 Registration is now open
*Entries will be limited to the first 1000 entrants. Register early to avoid disappointment!Event Information
Registration Fees
- Early bird online registration and payment opens late December 2024.
- If you prefer not to use online registration, please contact Kristina at khyde@mhc.ab.ca to make alternate arrangements.
- Group Rate: $5 deduction per entry for groups of 5 or more who register together.
- School Run Clubs: Do you have 15 or more students from your elementary, middle, or junior high school who would like to take part in this year's event? Contact the Race Director bcorcoran@mhc.ab.ca for special pricing for school run clubs.
Age As of Apr. 26, 2025 |
Early Bird Before Apr. 6, 2025 |
Regular Apr.7 - 24 |
5 & under |
$5 | $10 |
6 - 17 |
$30 | $35 |
18+ (3km fun run) |
$35 | $40 |
18+ (5km & 10km) |
$45 | $50 |
Age Categories
3km Fun Run |
5km Race | 10km Race |
12 and under |
12 and under | 17 and under |
13-17 | 13-17 | 18-29 |
18-39 |
18-29 | 30-39 |
40-59 |
30-39 | 40-49 |
60-79 |
40-49 | 50-59 |
80+ |
50-59 |
60-69 |
60-69 | 70-79 |
70-79 |
80+ | |
80+ |
Note: Ages are as of race day – Apr. 26, 2025
The runs will start and finish in front of the main doors of Medicine Hat College with three distances to choose from:
- 3km Fun Run: A flat and scenic loop around the college grounds.
- 5km Race: The 3km course, plus a short trip into and back from Kin Coulee Park via the Bandshell Loop and the College Avenue hill.
- 10km Race: The 5km course, plus a journey around Kin Coulee Park and up and down the Ajax Trail (i.e. the bike path connecting the community of Kensington to the Park.)
New for 2025 - The "victory lap" in the Main Parking lot at the end of the race has been eliminated. Instead, you will continue along the internal roads on the college grounds around the Main Parking lot before finishing in front of the main doors.
Start Times
- 10km Race – 10:30 a.m.
- 5km Race – 10:40 a.m.
- 3km Fun Run – 10:50 a.m.
Awards ceremonies will take place about 20 to 30 minutes after the final finisher of each race.
Race Package, Bib, and T-shirt Pickup
Pick up your race bib, race swag, and pre-ordered t-shirts on Friday, Apr. 25 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Medicine Hat College main foyer. Please pick up your bib, etc. on Friday if at all possible – limited pick-up availability on race day Saturday between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m.
Rattler Run T-Shirts
A limited number of very cool 2025 Rattler Run t-shirts may be purchased online during the registration process for $20 plus a processing fee. The deadline for t-shirt orders is March 30. 2025.
Race Day Parking
IMPORTANT! Vehicle access to the College grounds for the event is only available through the Cultural Centre entrance. (The two vehicle entrances from College Avenue will be barricaded for the duration of the event.)
Park in the Library, West, North, or Cultural Centre parking lots only. No race day parking will be available in the Main Parking lots directly adjacent to the start/finish area.
Chip timing provided by Race Pro Timing. Live, online results will be available immediately following your finish. Full results will be posted at www.racepro.ca.
- Medals to the top 3 in each age category for all three distances.
- Downloadable finisher’s certificate for each finisher.
- Special Rattler Run race memento (i.e. a shoe bag) and discount coupons.
- Post-race refreshments.
- Cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place men overall and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place women in the both the 5 km race and the 10 km race (Overall places will be determined by gun time, not chip time).
- Join us in the MHC Theatre after the completion of each race for refreshments and medal presentations:
3 km - 11:40 a.m.
5 km - 11:55 a.m.
10 km - 12:10 p.m.
Overall Place |
Prize |
1st |
$100 |
2nd |
$60 |
3rd |
$40 |
Volunteer for the Rattler Run!
Do you have a few hours to spare on race day or in the days leading up to race day? If so, we'd love to have you volunteer for the Rattler Run. We need people to direct runners on the course, hand out water and food, set up equipment, etc. All volunteers will receive a 2025 Rattler Run Volunteer t-shirt for their efforts.
If you'd like to get involved, please e-mail Kristina Hyde at khyde@mhc.ab.ca.
On Wednesday, April 23 at 6 p.m. at the Crowfoot Room at the MHC campus, we will be having a Volunteers' Meeting where you will be able to pick up your t-shirt and get details about your volunteer assignment. Pizza will be served.
TD Insurance
Excel Physical Therapy
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Supplement King
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