Arturo Marino Echegaray, Instructor
Education & Credentials:
- Environmental Design Faculty - University of Calgary. PhD degree November, 2022
- Haskayne School of Business - University of Calgary. MBA degree June, 2011
Began teaching at MHC: 2023
Arturo Marino Echegaray received his PhD degree from Environmental Design Faculty of University of Calgary, and his MBA degree from Haskayne School of Business of University of Calgary. He also completed his master studies in MSc. Sustainable Energy Development in the University of Calgary and he was graduated from CENTRUM Graduate School of Business from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. His first major was in Law and as lawyer specialist and practitioner in energy and mining regulation and industry he realized the next necessary stages of humanity are Sustainability and Sustainable Development. Ultimately, he decided to immigrate to Canada to develop his research and academic career investigating how Carbon Risk, Climate Change and other Environmental Institutional Pressures are influencing Corporate Governance and Management Strategies in main oil producers of Canada. His passion for Sustainability emerged when he perceived pure economic growth or business extractive industries approaches were not viable in long-term and qualitative development as well as innovative-disruptive initiatives are much more required to start thinking about in a 'Common Future' for humanity. Currently, the Energy Transition of Canada into renewable energy sources and into a less-carbon intensive economy are confirming his orientation and they are also creating new opportunities in business, science, education and most of all other areas of specialization.
Arturo is currently a full-time instructor in Sustainable Innovation Program of School of Arts, Science and Education, and instructor in the School of Business of Medicine Hat College. He strongly believes interdisciplinary studies will be driving the next stages of knowledge societies and students need to gain more flexible skills, openness, creativeness, defeating resistance to change and crafting solutions for future development of humanity. Finally, he discovered in Medicine Hat College a synergetic learning community with deep understanding of correlation between educational responsibilities and its 'Community-Service' orientation.